AVA-AK: Arctic Network (Jorgenson et al. 2009)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Arctic Network. Vegetation sampling for an ecological land survey classification and landcover map was completed for the over 19.5 million... -
AVA-AK: Arrigetch Peaks (Cooper 1983)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Arrigetch Peaks. The vegetation of Arrigetch Peaks was described and mapped by David J. Cooper for his PhD thesis funded by National Park... -
AVA-AK: ATLAS-1 (Atqasuk, Barrow, Ivotuk, Oumalik) Vegetation Studies (Edward...
Arctic Vegetation Archive-Alaska: ATLAS-1. Vegetation from 15 releves within 8 different grids at Barrow, Atqasuk, Ivotuk and Oumalik were described as part of the NSF-funded... -
AVA-AK: ATLAS-2 Vegetation Studies (Raynolds et al. 2002)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: ATLAS-2 The ATLAS-2 dataset is part of larger NSF-funded Arctic Transition in Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project. ATLAS-2 contains the... -
AVA-AK: Atqasuk Vegetation Plots (Komárková & Webber 1980; Villarreal 2013)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Atqasuk. The Atqasuk vegetation plots were originally described and mapped by Drs. Vera Komárková and Patrick J. Webber in 1975 as part of... -
AVA-AK: Barrow DOE NGEE-Arctic (Sloan et al. 2014)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Barrow DOE NGEE-Arctic. As part of a larger study to understand the structure and function of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems response to... -
AVA-AK: Barrow Vegetation Plots (Webber 1978; Villerreal et al. 2013)
Arctic Vegetation Archive-Alaska: Barrow. The Barrow vegetation plots were originally described and mapped by Dr. Patrick J. Webber in 1972 as part of the International... -
AVA-AK: Cape Thompson Vegetation Plots (Johnson et al. 1966)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Cape Thompson Vegetation Plots. The vegetation of the Cape Thompson region at Ogotoruk Creek was described by A. W. Johnson et al. during... -
AVA-AK: Flux Towers-Zona (Barrow, Atqasuk, Ivotuk) (Davidson et al. 2016a, Da...
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Flux Towers-Zona: Vegetation plots within the Flux Towers-Zona project eddy covariance tower footprints at Barrow: (three towers) including... -
AVA-AK: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots (Kade et al. 2005)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots. The vegetation associated with cryoturbated frost-heave features on the North Slope, Alaska was described by... -
AVA-AK: Happy Valley Vegetation Plots (Walker et al. 1997)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Happy Valley Vegetation Plots. The Happy Valley research site is located along the Sagavanirktok River in a glaciated valley of the northern... -
AVA-AK: Imnavait Creek Vegetation Plots (Walker et al. 1987a)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Imnavait Creek Vegetation Plots. Vegetation in the vicinity of the Imnavait Creek field site located in the Upper Kuparuk watershed of the... -
AVA-AK: Legacy Vegetation Studies (Elias et al. 1996)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Legacy Vegetation Studies. The Legacy Resource Management Program (Department of Defense, Legacy Project Number 0742) was part of a larger study... -
AVA-AK: Nome (Hanson 1953)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Nome. Sampling of tundra vegetation in the vicinity of Nome on the Seward Peninsula was undertaken as part of a classification of the major... -
AVA-AK: North Slope ARCSS/LAII Flux Study (Walker 1995-1996 unpublished data)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: North Slope ARCSS/LAII Flux Study. The vegetation and soils at the North Slope Arctic System Science/Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions... -
AVA-AK: Oumalik Vegetation Plots (Ebersole 1985)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Oumalik Vegetation Plots. The vegetation in the vicinity of Oumalik Oil Well Number 1 was described and mapped by J. Ebersole for his... -
AVA-AK: Pingo Vegetation Plots (M. Walker 1990)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Pingo Vegetation Plots. The vegetation and floristics of pingos on the Central Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska were described by M. D. Walker... -
AVA-AK: Poplar Vegetation Plots (Breen 2014)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Poplar Vegetation plots. The vegetation associated with balsam poplar stands in the Arctic Foothills of Alaska and the interior boreal... -
AVA-AK: Prudhoe Bay Vegetation Plots (Walker 1985)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Prudhoe Bay Vegetation Plots. The vegetation of the Prudhoe Bay area was described and mapped by D. A. Walker for doctoral thesis at the... -
AVA-AK: Prudhoe Bay-ArcSEES Airport Study (Walker et al. 2016)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Prudhoe Bay ArcSEE Airport Study. This dataset consists of vegetation and environmental data from 26 plots at the Prudhoe Bay Airport Site,...