Alaska Arctic False Color-Infrared (CIR) Map
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data were obtained from the USGS Global AVHRR 10-day composite data (http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/1KM/1kmhomepage.asp) (Markon et al.... -
Alaska Arctic Lake Cover Map
Lake cover strongly affects the reflectance of the land surface over large areas of Alaska, and was useful for identifying extensive wetlands. Lake cover was based on the number... -
AVA-AK: ATLAS-1 (Atqasuk, Barrow, Ivotuk, Oumalik) Vegetation Studies (Edward...
Arctic Vegetation Archive-Alaska: ATLAS-1. Vegetation from 15 releves within 8 different grids at Barrow, Atqasuk, Ivotuk and Oumalik were described as part of the NSF-funded... -
AVA-AK: ATLAS-2 Vegetation Studies (Raynolds et al. 2002)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: ATLAS-2 The ATLAS-2 dataset is part of larger NSF-funded Arctic Transition in Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project. ATLAS-2 contains the... -
AVA-AK: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots (Kade et al. 2005)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots. The vegetation associated with cryoturbated frost-heave features on the North Slope, Alaska was described by... -
AVA-AK: Legacy Vegetation Studies (Elias et al. 1996)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Legacy Vegetation Studies. The Legacy Resource Management Program (Department of Defense, Legacy Project Number 0742) was part of a larger study... -
AVA-AK: Pingo Vegetation Plots (M. Walker 1990)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Pingo Vegetation Plots. The vegetation and floristics of pingos on the Central Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska were described by M. D. Walker... -
AVA-AK: Willow Vegetation Plots (Schickhoff 2002)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Willow Vegetation Plots. The riparian vegetation in arctic Alaska mainly consists of willow shrub communities that are functionally... -
Beechey Point Land Cover Classification: CRREL Report 87-5
This report presents a Landsat-derived land cover classification of the Beechey Point, Alaska, 1:250,000-scale quadrangle with descriptions of the major vegetation units. Eight... -
Circumpolar Arctic Biomass (Raynolds et al 2012)
This map portrays an estimate of above ground plant biomass for the tundra biome based on trans-Arctic field data and AVHRR NDVI (Raynolds et al. 2012). Aboveground phytomass... -
Circumpolar Arctic Biomass Trend 1982-2010 (Epstein et al. 2012)
Trend in Arctic biomass was calculated from a linear regression of biomass values for all years 1982-2010 (Epstein et al 2012). Pixels with significant trends (p < 0.05) were... -
Ecosystems of Northern Alaska (Jorgenson & Heiner 2003)
Map image, GIS data and publication pending - This map was funded by The Nature Conservancy to provide a seamless ecological context for analysis of the distribution of... -
Kuparuk River Basin Elevation Map
Kuparuk River Basin elevation (m) is a grid map (tif) with 30-m pixels. Data are taken from the GTOPO30 global digital elevation model (DEM) (Gesch et al. 1999) and are at... -
Kuparuk River Basin Landsat False-CIR Image
Kuparuk River Basin False Color-Infrared (CIR) image - Registered and rectified CIR image created in ENVI from the MSS image. It is a raster map (tiff), with 30-m pixel... -
Kuparuk River Basin Landscape Units Map
Generalized landscape units for Kuparuk River basin. Polygon coverage of landscape units for the Kuparuk River watershed with seven units. This map was drawn by Skip Walker,... -
Kuparuk River Basin Vegetation Map (Muller et al. 1998)
The vegetation of the Kuparuk River watershed was mapped for several US National Science Foundation projects, including the Arctic System Science Flux Study and the Long-Term... -
Land cover map of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Walker et al. 1982)
The Landsat-assisted environmental mapping of the northern coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska was funded by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US... -
Landsat Land Cover Map of Northern Alaska (Muller et al. 1999)
This map was created for the US National Science Foundation Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (LAII) Flux Study and the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS)... -
NSSI Landcover GIS Data: Landcover Mapping for North Slope of Alaska (Ducks U...
Data is provided as raster GIS layer in .img format. The project final report is included in the full data download or can be downloaded separately. This map is the outcome of a... -
Patterned-Ground 10 x 10 m Grids - Deadhorse
The Deadhorse patterned-ground grid is located near the industrial center of Deadhorse, AK, within 15 km of the Beaufort Sea coast. There is one 10 x 10 m grid, with a complex...