AVA-AK: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots (Kade et al. 2005)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots. The vegetation associated with cryoturbated frost-heave features on the North Slope, Alaska was described by... -
AVA-AK: Happy Valley Vegetation Plots (Walker et al. 1997)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Happy Valley Vegetation Plots. The Happy Valley research site is located along the Sagavanirktok River in a glaciated valley of the northern... -
AVA-AK: International Tundra Experiment Vegetation Plots (Elmendorf 2012b)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: International Turdra Experiment Vegetation Plots. The International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) is an international scientific collaboration to... -
AVA-AK: North Slope ARCSS/LAII Flux Study (Walker 1995-1996 unpublished data)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: North Slope ARCSS/LAII Flux Study. The vegetation and soils at the North Slope Arctic System Science/Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions... -
AVA-AK: Pingo Vegetation Plots (M. Walker 1990)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Pingo Vegetation Plots. The vegetation and floristics of pingos on the Central Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska were described by M. D. Walker... -
AVA-AK: Prudhoe Bay Vegetation Plots (Walker 1985)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Prudhoe Bay Vegetation Plots. The vegetation of the Prudhoe Bay area was described and mapped by D. A. Walker for doctoral thesis at the... -
AVA-AK: Toolik Lake Vegetation Plots (Walker and Barry 1991)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Toolik Lake Vegetation Plots. The vegetation of the Toolik Lake area was described and mapped by D. A. Walker et al. during the Department... -
AVA-AK: Willow Vegetation Plots (Schickhoff 2002)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Willow Vegetation Plots. The riparian vegetation in arctic Alaska mainly consists of willow shrub communities that are functionally...